What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese method of natural healing by inserting fine needles into various pressure points around the body. Its aim is to put the body's energy back into its natural balance. In Chinese Medicine Theory our body is made up of 12 meridians, and our energy's life force(qi) runs through these meridians. When qi is flowing smoothly and in balance we are in good health, however, when our energy is not flowing or blocked this can result in some symptoms of pain and illness.
What is Electro-Acupuncture?
Electro-Acupuncture (EA) involves using a tens machine which is attached to the acupuncture needles . Studies have shown electro-acupuncture is effective for treating muscular pain and arthritis.
What is Cupping?
Cupping involves using suction cups on affected areas of the body, and is used to improve blood circulation to facilitate the body's own natural healing processes. Cupping aids muscle relaxation, making it great for treating muscular pain, dispelling pathogenic factors to treat colds, and also relieving stress and anxiety.
What I Treat?
Lower Back Pain
Shoulder Pain
Knee Pain
Hip Pain
Tennis Elbow
Frozen Shoulder
Stiff Neck
Plantar Fasciitis
Bell's Palsy
Digestive complaints
Period Pain & Irregular Periods
Hot Flushes
​*Depending on your condition I may also use Electro-Acupuncture, Cupping, Guasha or Massage to enhance my treatments.